Thursday, 30 July 2009

Canon Law Test # 3 Deacon Bill Donovan

Canon Law Test # 3 Deacon Bill Donovan

TRUE or FALSE (30 points)

1- ___ the patron saint of canon layers is a 13th century canonist named St. Raymond of Penãfort.

2- ___ As understood in Catholic social thought, “subsidiary” implies that decision should be taken on the lowest level possible, with higher authority intervening only when absolutely necessary.

3- ___ As the term is used in Book V, “temporal goods” are understood to be “all those non-spiritual things that have an economic value. They may include real [property as well as intangible rights and assets”.

4- ___ For purposed of Canon Law, “the Catholic Church and the Apostolic See have the character of a moral person by divine ordinance itself.”

5- ____ The Catholic Church has no innate right to acquire, retain, administer, or alienate temporal goods independently from civil power.

6- ____ According to the Code of Canon Law, any person has the inherent right to beg for alms for any pious or ecclesiastical institute or purpose and does not need anyone’s permission to do so. (1265)

7- ____ If a censure prohibits the celebration of sacraments or sacramental’s or the placing of an act of governance, the prohibition can never be suspended – not even to care for the faithful in danger of death.

8- ____ Expiatory penalties can affect an offender either perpetually, for a prescribed time, or for an indeterminate time.

9- ____ A person who procures a completed abortion incurs a latae sententiae excommunication.

10-___ Laws which establish a penalty, restrict the free exercise of rights, or contain an exception from the law are subject to strict interpretation...

Fill in the Blank (30 points)

According to the Code of Canon Law:
1- In the Church, besides physical person, there are also ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬______________ persons that are
“subjects in canon law of obligations and right which correspond to their nature.”

2- After the diocesan bishop has heard _____________________ he has the right to impose a moderate tax for the needs of the diocese upon public juridic persons subject to his governance; this tax is to be proportionate to their income.

3- ___________ is judged by no one.

4- An annulment is granted only after [1].[2],[3] courts have given a positive response ton the petition.

5- According to the Conon Law “the salvation of souls” must always be “ ____________ law in the Church” which is always “ to be kept before one’s eyes”.

Short Answer (40 points)

1- According to the Code of Canon Law. The three “proper Purpose” for which the catholic Church acquires, retains, administers, and alienates temporal goods area: The proper purposes are Principally


2- Provide four examples of people who are not subject to a penalty when they have violate a law or precept:

3- It is solely the right of the Roman Pontiff himself to judge in the cases mentioned in CC. 1401


4- What are three possible grounds for declaring a marriage null?


Please Mail or e-mail by April 1 to:
Deacon Bill Donovan
St. Ann Church or - If e-mailing, please put in message line:
5300 10th Street North Canon Law: Test on Book III
Arlington VA 22205

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